
学习元名称 平均得分 创建者 创建时间
BYOD or not: A comparison of two assessment strategies for student learning 关联资源已删除 0 徐刘杰 2017-09-18
Four Stages of Research on the Educational Use of Ubiquitous Computing 关联资源已删除 0 徐刘杰 2017-09-19
Understanding the role of user resistance on mobile learning usage among university students 关联资源已删除 100 季尚鹏 2017-10-13
An empirical study on m-learning adaptation Learning performance and learning contexts 关联资源已删除 0 徐刘杰 2017-09-18
A context-aware ubiquitous learning 关联资源已删除 0 徐刘杰 2017-09-19
Advancing Mobile Learning in Formal And Informal Settings via Mobile App Technology: Where to From Here, and How? 关联资源已删除 0 20211063875 2017-09-18
Facilitating and Bridging Out-Of-Class and In-Class Learning 关联资源已删除 94 刘宁 2017-10-23
Exploring the antecedents of collaborative learning performance over social networking sites in a ubiquitous learning context 关联资源已删除 0 徐刘杰 2017-09-19
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