
  • Unit4 We love animals 第四课时 普通类

    Unit4 We love animals 第四课时

    • 学生
    • 单词
    • 呈现
    • 小学英语
    • 教师
    • 图片
    • whatsthat
    • 39
    • 2.
    • 回答
    • 1.
  • The input-interface of Webcam applied 普通类

    Abstract Our research explores a virtual reality application based on Web camera (Webcam) input-interface. The interface can replace with the mouse to control direction intention of a user by the method of frame difference. We divide a frame into nine grids from Webcam and make use of the background registration to compute the moving object. In order to make this technology apply to 3D virtual reality system, we use the Virtools Dev to build virtual scenes and the Microsoft Visual C++ to build this interface. We also use the MySQL database management system to access users’ data and the displaying data. We implement a number of Building Blocks (BB) to support Virtools Dev for using the database management system and the Webcam input-interface in this composite system. The results of research are expected to the digital content industries such that users can easy to use the input-interface to control browsing the virtual reality. Our system can supply interactive digital content, photographs, and access the questions from the database management system. In addition, the system provides the browsing mold, the question mold, and the course content describing mold with the input-interface. In order to explore the intention of users for using the system, we design the questionnaire based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). In our empirical study, we find that perceived playfulness is positive association with attitude toward using. Interface style is positive association with perceived ease of use.

    • virtual
    • applied
    • 提示
    • 超链接
    • interface
    • input
    • 学习内容
    • pdf
    • 需要
    • webcam
    • systems
    • reality
    • 上载
    • 内容
  • Web-based learning programs 普通类

    To consider how Web-based learning program is utilized by learners with different cognitive styles, this study presents a Web-based learning system (WBLS) and analyzes learners’ browsing data recorded in the log file to identify how learners’ cognitive styles and learning behavior are related. In order to develop an adapted WBLS, this study also proposes a design model for system designers to tailor the preferences linked with each cognitive style. The samples comprise 105 third-grade Accounting Information System course students from a technology university in central Taiwan. Analytical results demonstrate that learners with different cognitive styles have similar but linear learning approaches, and learners with different cognitive styles adopt different navigation tools to process learning.

    • based
    • 学习内容
    • pdf
    • 需要
    • web
    • 提示
    • 超链接
    • learning
    • styles
    • 内容
  • A web-based formative assessment tool 普通类

    Abstract The use of web-based learning and assessment tools is growing in tertiary institutions around the world. To date, very few papers have reported the development and evaluation of a web-based formative assessment tool for postgraduate students. The aim of the present paper was to report on the development and evaluation of an online formative assessment tool for this student group. The web-based formative assessment tool was evaluated by a sample of undergraduate students, postgraduate students and academic staff within a psychology department in order to determine the suitability and sensitivity of the tool. The results of this pilot test suggest that the development of such a tool is both appropriate and feasible for Masters students studying psychology.

    • based
    • study
    • pilot
    • 提示
    • 超链接
    • students
    • assessment
    • 学习内容
    • pdf
    • 需要
    • web
    • 上载
    • formative
    • 内容
  • An interactive item sharing website 普通类

    Multiple intelligences, with its hypothesis and implementation, have ascended to a prominent status among the many instructional methodologies. Meanwhile, pedagogical theories and concepts are in need of more alternative and interactive assessments to prove their prevalence (Kinugasa, Yamashita, Hayashi, Tominaga, & Yamasaki, 2005). In general, item templates adopted in current on-line testing system are mostly true and false, multiple choice and multiple selection. More sophisticated interactive alternatives such as click and select, drag and drop, link, collide and magnetize are still in great demand. The fact that the lack of template alternatives has made it difficult for the general teachers to incorporate interactive items into testing. To underpin interactive multimedia test, this research has cultivated interactive item template as the basic sharing atomic unit. In addition, a corresponding visual item authoring system Interactive Test Item System (ITIS) (Koong et al., 2007), and an auto-grading examer were developed. Meanwhile, an item sharing website based on Web2.0 was constructed, through which users can exchange the created interactive item templates, interactive items, and interactive test sheet. The design of on-line visual authoring item editor has made it possible to create items by click and select, drag and drop, link, or parameter setting. Multimedia such as text, image, audio, and animation can be added, deleted or set to the wished animated effect to created into an interactive item, while on-line interactive testing as well as auto-grading are supported.

    • item
    • website
    • 提示
    • testing
    • interactive
    • 超链接
    • sharing
    • conducting
    • 学习内容
    • pdf
    • 需要
    • on-line
    • 上载
    • 内容
  • Web-based integration and procedure prompts 普通类

    This study examined how web-based integration and procedure question prompts differentially affected students’ knowledge acquisition and ill-structured problem solving skills, particularly in representing problem(s), developing solutions, and monitoring and evaluating a plan of action within the social science context. Eighty-four undergraduate pre-service teachers were recruited and randomly assigned to one of the four conditions: (1) an IP condition that required students to complete integration prompts, (2) a PP condition that required students to complete procedure prompts, (3) an IPP condition that required students to complete both integration and procedure prompts, or (4) a control condition that did not provide access to any prompts. The findings show that students who received integration prompts outperformed those who did not receive any in knowledge acquisition and problem representation for solving an ill-structured problem. Integration prompts also helped the development and integration of cognitive schema, whereas procedure prompts helped direct students’ attention to specific features of the problem in order to arrive at the solution(s). In fact, the presence of an integration prompt alone is not sufficient to support successful ill-structured problem solving unless a procedure prompt is provided. Based on these findings, this study offers implications for designing Web-based learning environments, engineered to promote integrative knowledge and ill-structured problem solving skills.

    • based
    • solving
    • 提示
    • 超链接
    • procedure
    • 学习内容
    • pdf
    • 需要
    • web
    • integration
    • 内容
    • prompts
    • web-based
  • 如何在一台服务器上实现多个Web站点 普通类


    • 服务器 站点
    • tcp
    • 设置
    • 选择
    • 学生
    • web
    • 学习元
    • http
    • ip地址
    • 天地
    • 站点
    • 默认
  • Articulated Naturality Web 普通类

    Articulated Naturality Web

    • Articulated Naturality Web
    • 使用者
    • 相当多
    • 办公室
    • 增强现实
    • 扫描
    • 开发
    • 答案
    • 自然网络服务
    • 相机
    • 装潢
    • 应用

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