BJET 2009 issue 6

  • Computer-mediated discussion 普通类

    In the context of hybrid instruction, this study was designed to explore whether gender has an influence on learners’ preferences for synchronous or asynchronous modes of computer-mediated communication, and whether this decision impacts learners’ self-efficacy (SE) towards knowledge acquisition. The participants were 180 teacher-education students (151 females and 29 males) enrolled in a hybrid (blend of traditional classroom instruction and online learning activities) foundations course at a United States research university with a proportionally high percentage of full-time commuters and/or distance enrolees. The findings showed that, regardless of gender, two-thirds of the participants preferred asynchronous modes over synchronous ones. In addition, gender was weakly related to the participants’ SE in both modes. Linear regression indicated that SE, in turn, was weakly related to academic performance. The implications of these findings for instructional practice are discussed.

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  • Pedagogic strategies supporting the use 普通类

    Synchronous audiographic conferencing (SAC) refers to a combination of technologies for real-time communication and interaction using multiple media and modes. With an increasing institutional uptake of SAC, users require an understanding of the complex interrelations of multiple media in learning scenarios in order to support pedagogic-driven planning and effective use of the tool. This paper provides a review of recent literature that explores the pedagogic strategies used to underpin practical uses of SAC for the benefit of learners especially in non-standard contexts such as distance education. The paper reports on approaches from practitioner-oriented perspectives as well as approaches based on educational theory, notably the community of inquiry model, task design and multimodal models of cognition, meaning and interaction. The main features of these models were extracted to provide both a synthesis for future work on dedicated pedagogic models for SAC and a resource for practitioners wanting to link SAC with educational theory.

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  • Pedagogic strategies supporting 普通类

    Synchronous audiographic conferencing (SAC) refers to a combination of technologies for real-time communication and interaction using multiple media and modes. With an increasing institutional uptake of SAC, users require an understanding of the complex interrelations of multiple media in learning scenarios in order to support pedagogic-driven planning and effective use of the tool. This paper provides a review of recent literature that explores the pedagogic strategies used to underpin practical uses of SAC for the benefit of learners especially in non-standard contexts such as distance education. The paper reports on approaches from practitioner-oriented perspectives as well as approaches based on educational theory, notably the community of inquiry model, task design and multimodal models of cognition, meaning and interaction. The main features of these models were extracted to provide both a synthesis for future work on dedicated pedagogic models for SAC and a resource for practitioners wanting to link SAC with educational theory.

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  • Editorial 普通类

    Members of the BJET Editorial Board and the Reviewer Panel will (or should!) recall that in May and June 2009 I sent out an invitation to participate in a survey of reviewers. My aim as editor was to find out more about the composition of the Reviewer Panel and what members liked—and disliked—about reviewing for BJET.

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  • Coaching and mentoring Theory and practice 普通类

    The coaching toolkit—sub-titled “A practical guide for your school”—is perfect for beginners to the coaching process, and is set in the context of the school environment. There are many generic coaching books available, but what is great about this one is that it firmly places coaching into school life and language. The authors are a head teacher and an assistant head teacher who both have extensive experience in coaching in the school context and responsibility for continuing professional development. They put coaching into the school improvement cycle, showing how it can benefit subject action plans, the school’s self evaluation process, and individual performance development. Having coaching contextualised in thisway can really help sell it within your school, linking it so closely with its existing improvement plan.

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    • coaching
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  • Rethinking e-learning research 普通类

    The coaching toolkit—sub-titled “A practical guide for your school”—is perfect for beginners to the coaching process, and is set in the context of the school environment. There are many generic coaching books available, but what is great about this one is that it firmly places coaching into school life and language. The authors are a head teacher and an assistant head teacher who both have extensive experience in coaching in the school context and responsibility for continuing professional development. They put coaching into the school improvement cycle, showing how it can benefit subject action plans, the school’s self evaluation process, and individual performance development. Having coaching contextualised in thisway can really help sell it within your school, linking it so closely with its existing improvement plan.

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    • learning
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  • The coaching toolkit 普通类

    The cost of health and safety (H&S) failures to the UK industry is currently estimated at up to £6.5 billion per annum, with the construction sector suffering unacceptably high levels of work-related incidents. Better H&S education across all skill levels in the industry is seen as an integral part of any solution. Traditional lecture-based courses often fail to recreate the dynamic realities of managing H&S on site and therefore do not sufficiently create deeper cognitive learning (which results in remembering and using what was learned). The use of videos is a move forward, but passively observing a video is not cognitively engaging and challenging, and therefore learning is not as effective as it can be. This paper describes the development of an interactive video in which learners take an active role.While observing the video, they are required to engage, participate, respond and be actively involved. The potential for this approach to be used in conjunction with more traditional approaches to H&S was explored using a group of 2nd-year undergraduate civil engineering students. The formative results suggested that the learning experience could be enhanced using interactive videos. Nevertheless, most of the learners believed that a blended approach would be most effective.

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  • Multimedia and literacy development 普通类

    The coaching toolkit—sub-titled “A practical guide for your school”—is perfect for beginners to the coaching process, and is set in the context of the school environment. There are many generic coaching books available, but what is great about this one is that it firmly places coaching into school life and language. The authors are a head teacher and an assistant head teacher who both have extensive experience in coaching in the school context and responsibility for continuing professional development. They put coaching into the school improvement cycle, showing how it can benefit subject action plans, the school’s self evaluation process, and individual performance development. Having coaching contextualised in thisway can really help sell it within your school, linking it so closely with its existing improvement plan.

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    • literacy
    • multimedia
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    • susan
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